Rehab & Detox

Recognizing the Characteristics that Can Result in a Greater Risk of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can affect people of all ages, no matter their ethics and beliefs – and regardless of their genetic disposition. The mind altering effects of alcohol can take their toll within as little as a few weeks of exposure, particularly when the compounds within alcohol are able to be absorbed by specific parts of the brain.

That being said, studies have demonstrated that there are those that may possess specific characteristics that can make them more likely to suffer with alcoholism, as well as those that may be a little more resilient to the symptoms and side effects that often go hand in hand with alcohol dependency and addiction.

Recognizing the characteristics that can make an individual more likely to suffer with addiction

Those that could be medically diagnosed as depressed, anxious, and generally suffering with a chemical imbalance, may find that the mind altering chemicals within alcohol could already be present; albeit in a more organic manner. Most addicts will undergo a change to the development of chemicals as their condition worsens – but this trait can often already be present within anyone suffering with the aforementioned mental states.

In any event, these individuals may find themselves far more likely to feel the ill effects of alcohol from an earlier point during their exposure. This is mainly due to the fact that their body may already possess the negative chemicals associated with alcohol dependency; making it easier for the toxins to replace the organic compounds already present.

Therefore, introducing the toxins present within ethyl alcohol won’t just bolster the chemicals that are already present; these compounds can also act to replace the organic formulas that have been produced by the brain and may already be circulating within the body. In cases where mental illness is present is can be challenging for a rehab center to define the differences between suffering with toxicity as a result of mental health disorders, or those pertaining to alcohol exposure.

In simple terms, this means that as the body will already likely be producing chemicals that can have an adverse effect on moods, it can be even easier for a sufferer to develop alcohol addiction. This is why a large number of alcoholics require therapy in a detox center as well as detoxing, simply because those that are suffering with events such as grief, depression, sadness, and loneliness will have already produced a substantial amount of chemicals that can further the effects of alcohol.

Understanding these characteristics

Although many people can suffer with alcohol dependency, those that may have a disposition in place may find themselves falling victim even sooner than those without. This is why many clinics introduce tests to gauge DSM 5 substance use disorder criteria. These tests are designed to identify the difference between someone that is suffering as a result of consistent alcohol exposure, and someone that is suffering as a by-effect of state of mind. Although both types can be dangerous, medical studies have defined the latter as the more extreme – and in these events, immediate detoxing and medical treatment may be recommended.

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